DAS Audio professional sound systems were back for yet another year of rocking music at the 2016 Viña Rock Native Art Festival, held annually in Villarrobledo, Albacete. This year, a record-breaking 200,000 fans descended upon the festivals 10 stages over the three-day event to see a spectacular line-up of over 140 artists perform live.
Full-service company Fluge was once again called in to handle the sound for the festival and worked hand-in-hand with DAS Audio to deploy systems from DAS Audio’s Aero Series 2 on the festival’s main stages. Repeating the same stage configuration as previous years, the Negrita and Giró stages were set up side-by-side and used alternatively; here the sound technicians opted to rely on the large-format Aero-50 line arrays in a central formation that was “shared” by both stages.
An army of 36 large-format DAS Aero-50 systems were distributed in three linear configurations of 12 systems each with the unique “shared” formation. These systems were augmented by 18 DAS high performance self-powered DAS UX-221A subwoofers, groundstacked under each line array in three six-unit blocks for the crucial low frequency punch.
Twelve multifunctional DAS Convert-15A systems handled front fill at this year’s Viña Rock, while a series of Aero-20A stacked on LX-218CA subwoofers took care of side fill duties. The non-stop parade of artists that crossed the stage during the event also had a battery of self-powered DAS Road-12A and 15A stage monitors at their service.
With the control station set up 50 m from the stages, the Fluge sound team decided to install two relay towers equipped with six Aero-40A ALAS™ (Advanced Line Array System) each. Another two relay towers were set up 100 meters out from the stage and rigged with 12 Aero-40A systems to provide full coverage for the massive audience area, including for those fans farthest from the stage.
Aero-50s were also brought in to handle the sound for the Viña Grow reggae stage. Twenty-four of these systems were flown in linear hangs on either side and were matched with 18 LX-218CA subwoofers set up in an electronic arc in front of the stage for low-frequency support, rounding out the full range of DAS Audio gear that once again ensured superb sound at this year’s Viña Rock.
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