Potential Church upgrades its sound system with DAS Audio to connect its congregation.
The church develops a plan to connect people to God through professional-level production and cutting-edge technology. DAS Audio systems were deployed to deliver quality sound and enhance the experience of the worshippers.
Potential Church in Cooper City, Florida, places a heavy emphasis on reaching people with the Gospel in unique and creative ways. For that reason, they take very seriously their project and have a professional production department taking care of their services. As Greg Hooper, executive creative director at Potential, describes “Our goal is to connect people to God, and we can’t do that without good tech and good production. We´re looking to reach the next generation and technology is something that´s always evolving, so we want to stay on the cutting edge of what´s going on. Our production team helps us create those environments where people can really connect to God.”
In light of the above, Miami-based Everlast Productions was called in to upgrade the church´s live audio system in line with Potential´s philosophy of bringing the latest technologies and innovations to the church´s services, creating an attractive performance space. After years of four and five service weekends, the old equipment needed a technical upgrade that could cover Potential´s current and future needs. Washington Arias, CEO at Everlast Productions, remarks that “At Everlast we’ve been using DAS Audio for six years and we’ve developed a very good relationship with them. We’ve had it out on the road and we knew they made great systems. The return on investment is amazing with their speakers, and we knew we wouldn’t be getting a phone call on a Saturday night with a problem.”
Brandon Charlton, Production Director at Potential, shares, “The DAS line arrays and subs really hit the sweet spot for us in that balance between clarity and value. Before we got the DAS Audio system, muddiness was really an issue, especially in the lower frequencies. When you listen to our music, our videos, and even how the Ableton tracks sound, you can really hear a serious difference.”