Access to the web (hereinafter, the website) attributes the condition of USER and implies full and unreserved acceptance, from said access and / or use, of the present legal notice and of the Privacy policy in its latest version, without prejudice to the General Conditions of Contract that, where appropriate, are mandatory. For this reason, we advise that you proceed to read these documents, before using the functionalities offered by this website, as well as each time you access it, since we reserve the right to change, modify, add or delete in any time part of these conditions.
Within the expression “site or website” are understood -with a delimitative but not limiting nature- texts, graphics, images, animations, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs, etc. included in it, and, in general, all creations expressed by any means or support, tangible or intangible, currently known or invented in the future, regardless of whether or not they are subject to intellectual property according to the Consolidated Text of the Intellectual Property Law or regulation that will succeed it in the future.
These legal conditions regulate the permitted legal use of this website, whose legal responsibility is DAS AUDIO GROUP, S.L. These general conditions regulate the access and use that the owner of the website makes available to Internet users. Access to it implies its acceptance without reservations, acquiring a series of rights and obligations, in order to guarantee the adequate enjoyment of the services and contents that are found in it and that DAS AUDIO makes available to the user free of charge.
The visitor is aware that the access and use of the services and contents of the site is carried out under his sole and exclusive responsibility.
User status is acquired by accessing the website. The user must establish the appropriate technical security measures to avoid unwanted actions in their information system, files and computer equipment used to access the Internet and, especially, the website, being aware that the Internet it is not totally safe.
The use of this website as well as any of its services implies the reading, understanding and acceptance of this legal notice by the user.
In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the following legal aspects are reported:
The user undertakes to use the website, the services and its contents, in accordance with the Law, this Legal Notice, good customs and public order.
In the same way, the user agrees to use them diligently, correctly and lawfully and not contrary to the content of this Legal Notice. In particular, it undertakes to refrain from deleting, evading or manipulating the “copyright” and other data identifying the rights of its owners incorporated into the contents, as well as the technical protection devices, or any information mechanisms that they may contain.
In no case may the user:
Access or use the services and contents of the site for illegal purposes, harmful to the rights and freedoms of third parties, or that may harm, damage or prevent in any way, access to them, to the detriment of DAS AUDIO, or third parties.
Use the services, in whole or in part, to promote, sell, contract, disclose advertising or personal information or information from third parties without prior authorization from DAS AUDIO.
Enter information on the website or use the existing services in it in order to directly or indirectly violate the rights and especially the fundamental rights and public freedoms of other users of the website that incite or promote the performance of acts criminal, xenophobic, terrorist or degrading based on age, sex, religion or beliefs; or of a pornographic, obscene, violent nature or that violate the law, morals or good customs. For these purposes, information will be understood, with a delimitative but not limiting character: texts, graphics, images, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs, data, notes, etc.
Include hyperlinks in their private or commercial web pages to this website that are not limited solely and exclusively to access to the main page of the same. Use the services and content offered through the site in a manner contrary to the general conditions of use and / or the particular conditions that regulate the use of a certain service and / or content, and to the detriment or impairment of the rights of the rest of users. Take any action that prevents or hinders access to the site by users, as well as hyperlinks to the services and content offered by DAS AUDIO or by third parties through the website.
Use the website as a means of accessing the Internet for the commission of illegal actions or contrary to current legislation, morals, good customs and public order. Using any type of computer virus, code, software, computer program, computer or telecommunications equipment, that may cause damage or unauthorized alterations to the content, programs or systems accessible through the services and content provided on the website or in the information systems, files and computer equipment of the users thereof; or unauthorized access to any content and / or services on the website. Eliminate or modify in any way the protection or identification devices of DAS AUDIO or its legitimate owners that may contain the content hosted on the website, or the symbols that DAS AUDIO or the legitimate third party holders of rights incorporate into their creations object of intellectual or industrial property existing on this website. Include “metatags” corresponding to trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs owned by DAS AUDIO on websites of your responsibility or property.
Create frames within a website of your responsibility or property that reproduce the main page and / or the pages accessible through it, corresponding to this website without the prior authorization of DAS AUDIO.
Include in a website of your responsibility or property a hyperlink that generates a window or session of the navigation software used by a visitor, user or client of your website, which includes brands, commercial names or distinctive signs of your project piedad and through which the main website of or any of the pages accessible through it is displayed.
Use the brand, trade names, as well as any other identifying sign that is subject to intellectual or industrial property rights, without the express prior written authorization of its owner.
Carry out any action that involves the reproduction, distribution, copy, rental, public communication, transformation or any other similar action that involves the modification or alteration of all or part of the contents and services of the site or the economic exploitation of them. , without the prior and written authorization of DAS AUDIO, or of the third party owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights that fall on the services or contents of the website and except as provided in these general conditions or, where appropriate , particular conditions that regulate the use of a service and / or existing content on the website.
Establish particular conditions and, where appropriate, the requirement of a price or other requirements for access to certain services and / or content.
Limit, exclude or condition the access of users when all the guarantees of correct use of the site are not given by them in accordance with the obligations and prohibitions assumed by them.
End the provision of a service or supply of content, without the right to compensation, when it is illegal or contrary to the conditions established for them, without prejudice to the provisions of the particular conditions that regulate the use of a certain -na service and / or content intended for users of the website.
Modify, delete or update all or part of the content or services offered through the site, without prior notice, without prejudice to the provisions of the particular conditions that regulate the use of a specific service and / or content intended for users of the website.
Take any legal or judicial action that is convenient for the protection of the rights of DAS AUDIO as well as third parties that provide their services or content through the site, provided that it is appropriate.
Demand compensation that may arise from the improper or illegal use of all or part of the services and content provided through the site.
The contracting of products or services through the Web by minors is prohibited, having to obtain duly and in advance, the consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be considered responsible for the acts that carried out by minors under their care.
All trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained in the company’s Web pages are the property of their owners and are protected by law.
All Industrial and Intellectual Property rights of the Web and its contents (texts, graphics, images, sounds, audio, video, designs, musical creations, drawings, animations, comments, exhibitions, html code of the same, without this number being limiting) belong, as the author of a collective work or as assignee, to DAS AUDIO.
The contents, texts, photographs, designs, logos, images, computer programs, source codes and, in general, any existing intellectual creation in this Space, as well as the Space itself as a whole, as a multimedia artistic work, are protected as rights copyright by the legislation on intellectual property. The company is the owner of the elements that make up the graphic design of the Web Space, the menus, navigation buttons, the HTML code, the texts, images, textures, graphics and any other content of the Web Space or, in any case, it has the corresponding authorization for the use of said elements. The content provided in the Web Space may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor transmitted, or registered by any information retrieval system, in any form or by any means, unless prior authorization is obtained by written, of the aforementioned Entity.
Likewise, it is prohibited to suppress, evade and / or manipulate the “copyright” as well as the technical protection devices, or any information mechanisms that the contents may contain. The User of this Web Space undertakes to respect the rights set forth and to avoid any action that could harm them, reserving in any case the company the exercise of whatever means or legal actions correspond to it in defense of its legitimate intellectual and industrial property rights.
The reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the method of making them available, of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without authorization, are expressly prohibited. by DAS AUDIO. The user undertakes to respect the Industrial and Intellectual Property rights owned by DAS AUDIO.
Access to the Web and its use necessarily imply that each and every one of the present conditions of use are expressly accepted by you.
The questions related to the Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, as well as all those questions that lie and are related in part or in whole with the services provided through the application, are governed in each and every one of their extremes by Spanish law, expressly waiving the parties to the jurisdiction that corresponds to them, and submitting to the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia.